Sunshine Club

When: Thursday evenings every six weeks or so. Check calendar for date and time.
Where: Arts & Crafts Room

The Sunshine Club is here to help our neighbors and our community. In addition to providing cards and small gifts for those who are ill or hospitalize, the Sunshine Club maintains the plants in the Lodge. Not only are the plants getting proper care, but we also save the community over $3000 annually!

A couple of our gals have offered to walk a sick neighbor’s dog and occasionally we have supplied meals to neighbors when an unexpected illness or hospitalization has occurred. We have offered rides to the Beauty Bar and special events at the Lodge. Recently we committed to delivering the newsletter, The Messenger, to those who are homebound.  Last, but not least, our club assists with memorial services in our Ballroom providing linen for the tables and coffee set up.

As always, we need the help of the community to identify neighbors in need!